Adolf Hitler tells a crowd of 300,000 that Germany’s only judge is God and itself.
The Nazis dissolve the republic of Czechoslovakia.
Japanese fighters raid Chengtu, China in longest range for fighter operation of war to date.
US troops arrive in Australia in force.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur arrives in Mindanao, after evacuating from Corregidor on Roosevelt’s orders.
Gen. Henri Giraud restores representative government in French North Africa, suppresses Vichy organizations.
The Germans armoured forces recapture Kharkov.
The Krakow Ghetto is liquidated.
The Royal Navy Submarine Thetis, now renamed Thunderbolt is sunk by the Italian corvette Cicogna, off Sicily.
The British are forced to withdraw towards Imphal in Assam, while fighting a bitter rearguard action.
In Burma, Japanese cut road from Tiddim north to Imphal; Indian troops are unable to retreat.
The U.S. Third Army crosses the Moselle, Southwest of Koblenz.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”QAfKnJUmEE4″]
Germans counterattack to recapture the oilfields near Lake Balaton come to an end. The Red Army cuts all communications between Koenigsberg and the German forces fighting in the Braunsberg pocket.
RAF Bomber Command makes its first use of the 22,000lb ‘Grand Slam’ bomb, wrecking the Bielefeld viaduct.
The US 15th Air Force, taking off from Italian airfields, launches a heavy raid (500 bombers) against Regensburg, while the RAF attacks Wuppertal with 400 aircraft.
On Luzon, a force of Filipinos led by US Col. Russell Volckmann, who refused to surrender to the Japanese in 1942, takes San Fernando.
First US infantry arrive in China, the Mars Task Force, ferried by the Air Transport Command.
U.S. troops begin mopping up on Iwo Jima and launch heavy attacks in the North of the island.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”InkM72ya-Gs”]