World War II created a brotherhood, and a language all its own. Men from a wide variety of backgrounds were thrown together in close-knit, often boring, frequently dangerous situations, and slang that came from those experiences tied them together and cemented their brotherhood.
WW2 slang helped create an “us” vs. “them” mentality, where them is not only the enemy, but the “Brass” and folks back home who can’t fully understand the world of the fighting man.
There are currently 14 names in this directory beginning with the letter J.
Jane-Crazy.Over fond of women.
JANFUJoint Army-Navy foul-up.
Jap.Japanese person; anything Japanese.
Jawbreakers.Army biscuits.
Jeep.A small; low; khaki-colored car in general use in the Army.
Jeepable.Impassable except by a jeep (said of a rough road).
Jerry.A German; anything German.
Joe Blow Biography.A short biographical article featuring a fighting man; written for publication in a hometown newspaper.
Juice Jerker.Electrician.
Jungle JuiceAlcoholic liquor made with what ever is handy around camp. Some good, some not so good. Fresh or dehydrated potatoes, raisins, dried or fresh fruit, or most anything when mixed with sugar and allowed to ferment would become and alcoholic drink of questionable quality, but alcoholic, nonetheless. Those persons with material to make stills could turn this into a very strong hard liquor.
Just Sweating Member.Pending or prospective member of the Brush-Off Club; he doesn't know where the hell he stands but the mail doesn't bring in Sugar Reports any longer.
WW2 Slang Sources:
“Glossary of Army Slang,” American Speech, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Oct., 1941).
“G.I. Lingo,” American Speech, Vol. 20. No. 2 (Apr. 1945)
War Slang: American Fighting Words and Phrases Since the Civil War By Paul Dickson
FUBAR: Soldier Slang of WWII By Gordon L. Rottman
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