The Japanese Army restores order in Tokyo and arrests officers involved in a coup.
Russian forces overrun the second line of Finnish defenses on the Karelian Isthmus.
First group of British volunteers arrive in Finland, under command of Lt. Kermit Roosevelt, son of Teddy.
Vichy France reduces bread ration from 350g to 280g.
British February ’41 civilian casualty figures tally at 789 killed and 1068 injured.
British Commando’s, having been left to hold Castelorizzo without out Naval support or reinforcement, are forced to evacuate when the Italians land troops on the Island.
Japanese are only 50 miles north of Rangoon.
The Japanese land on Java in East Indies.
Off Delaware coast, German U-boat U-578 sinks US destroyer Jacob Jones—138/149 killed.
Nine Norwegian commandos successfully climb down the steep gorge on one side of the German ‘heavy water’ plant at Telemark and work their way up a 500 foot, almost sheer rock face to reach the plant on the other side of the gorge. Undetected, they gain entrance and successfully set
and detonate their explosives, ruining the plant. All the commandos escaped safely, without taking or inflicting any casualties.
A group of German wives of Jewish men begin to gather and protest in Berlin in order to try and stop the deportation of their husbands to
concentrations camps.
The Arabs protest to the U.S. over Senate statements about the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.
The US Ninth Army achieves a breakthrough near Erkelenz 30 miles to the West of Cologne, but loses 100 tanks in the process.
The 2nd Belorussian Front captures Neustettin. The Red Army suspends all further offensive operations against the lines of Army Group
The British Indian 4th Corps take Meiktila airfield in central Burma after an eight-day push from the Irrawaddy.
U.S. Marines take Motoyama on Iwo Jima after a bloody battle.
Corregidor is reported as clear of Japanese troops.
US Eighth Army lands unopposed on Palawan in Philippines, takes Puerto Princesa and its airfields.
In the US a midnight curfew is placed on nightclubs, sports arenas, theaters, and bars to conserve coal—restaurants and USO clubs are exempt if alcohol is not served.
The U.S. Army declares that it will use V-2 rocket to test radar as an atomic rocket defense system.
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