Cadillac P-40 Magazine Ad, May 1944

P-40 Magazine Ad - Cadillac P-40 May 1944 Magazine Ad
P-40 Magazine Ad – May 1944

Stalkers of Hidden Devilfish

In the vanguard of the fighter craft that track the U-boat down are the fighter planes powered byt the Allison – America’s first and foremost liquid-cooled aircraft engine.

To their splendid list of achievements in combat, these stalkers of hidden devilfish have added a gratifying record for dependability not only the skill and daring of the combat pilots who fly them, but also the inherent ruggedness of the planes themselves.

Building the vital inner-assemblies for the Allison engine has been a Cadillac manufacturing trust since March of 1939. During the five years that have intervened, millions of Allison parts- crankshafts, camshafts, connecting rods, super-charger gears, impellers, and other component units-have “gone to war” bearing the imprint of Cadillac’s precision workmanship.

Developed over a period of 40 years of building to the principle,”Craftsmanship a Creed-Accuracy a Law,” this mastery of exacting manufacture in volume porduction is but a wartime projection of the peacetime skill that has so long made Cadillac-built products “The Standard of The World.”

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