General Smuts wins cabinet battle in South Africa and declares war on Germany.
German troops advancing through Poland occupy the former German industrial area of Upper Silesia.
German troops take Krakow, Poland.
The Luftwaffe bring to a close the third phase of their air offensive “Battle of Britain”, having lost 308 aircraft in the last 2 weeks. However, the RAF have suffered 273 fighter losses and suffered extensive damage to their airfields and ground control systems. The official start of the London Blitz is initiated by the Germans, as they intentionally bomb the capital.
British naval blockade lifted on all French colonies supporting General de Gaulle.
King Carol of Romania abdicates the throne to his son, Michael and appoints Marshal Antonescu head of state.
Germany announces that all Jews living in the country will have to begin wearing a Star of David.
Hitler’s War Directive No. 35 orders the capture of Moscow after the Ukraine operation has been completed.
The Vilna Ghetto is established containing 40,000 Jews.
The Japanese decide to be fully prepared for war by the end of October.
The 4th Gebirgsjeager division of the 17th Army captures the Black Sea naval base of Novorossiysk, while six Axis divisions cross the Straits of Kerch to Taman. Heavy house-to-house fighting continues in the centre of Stalingrad.
Rommel is back to the positions held on the 31st August, having lost 51 tanks (out of 515), 70 guns, 400 trucks and 2,865 men. The Eighth Army losses were 1,640 men and 68 tanks.
Australians force total Japanese evacuation of Milne Bay, with just 1,000 troops surviving to be evacuated.
A conference of 48 Republican governors, senators and congressmen convene at the Mackinac Island resort between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan under the chairmanship of Sen. Arthur Vandenberg to hammer out a post-war foreign policy for the party. The meeting discards the isolationist stance that Republicans adopted following World War I and adopts a cautious internationalism.
The Red Army succeeds in separating Army Group Centre from Army Group South.
The United States asks the Chinese Nationals to join with the Communists to present a common front to the Japanese.
Victory in the ‘Battle of London’ is proclaimed after 80 days of V1 bombardment with over 8,000 flying-bombs launched, with approximately 2,300 reaching London.
Germany launches first V-2 in combat, toward the Paris suburbs. The V-2 is the world’s first true ballistic missile.
The Canadians surround Calais, trapping the German garrison. Liege falls to British troops, while the U.S. First Army pushes East through Belgium, crossing Meuse. Ghent and Courtrai are liberated.
The Russians occupy Turnu-Severin on the Danube in Romania and advance to the Yugoslav border. They also reach the eastern Carpathians.
Japanese forces in Southwest Pacific surrender aboard HMS Glory.