World War II Today: September 19

World War II Today: September 19 - “Lord Haw-Haw” becomes radio host of Reichsrundfunk Berlin, broadcasting German propaganda to Allied troops.First British casualty list published.

The conclusion of the battle of the Vistula bend, with the Wehrmacht taking 170,000 prisoners. Germans suppress a Czech rebellion. Lavrenti Beria, chief of the Soviet NKVD, sets up a Directorate for Prisoners of War and establishes camps for the 240,000 Polish POWs in Soviet custody; about 37,000 will be used as forced-labour.

British traitor “Lord Haw-Haw” becomes radio host of Reichsrundfunk Berlin, broadcasting German propaganda to Allied troops.

Heavy night raids continue on London; Brighton also suffers badly. RAF continues attacks on invasion fleet in French and Belgian Channel ports.

Minister of Labour Ernest Bevin announces that by the end of August 51,261 men had registered as conscientious objectors.

Lord Woolton calls the black market in Britain ‘a thorn in our side’.

German forces take the ruins of Kiev, along with a massive haul of 600,000 prisoners, 2,500 tanks and 1,000 guns.

British Air Ministry says that Hamburg now lies in absolute ruins and is ‘probably the most complete blotting out of a city that ever happened.’

Germans are reported to have been forced out of Sardinia by the Italian resistance.

US Ninth Army clears Brittany region of France.

After several families who have returned to London are killed in V-1 rocket attacks, the British government orders women and children to remain in countryside evacuation centers.

The British advance from Belgium is now only two miles from the airborne forces at Nijmegen in Holland, but British paratroop forces dropped at Arnhem encounter unexpected heavy German resistance.

The Belgian Parliament meets formally in Parliament House, Brussels for first time since May 1940.

The Eighth Army occupies the Republic of San Marino, in Italy.

World War II Today: September 19 - William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw)William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) is sentenced to be hanged for treason.






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