During their brief period of comradeship, Hitler sends Joseph Stalin a telegram wishing him a happy sixtieth birthday.
The RAF attacks Berlin, inflicting only minor damage.
The Admiralty decides to transfer another Battleship, HMS Malaya to Force H from the Mediterranean fleet. Again this was to be accomplished by escorting a convoy to Malta and linking up with units of Force H for the journey to Gibraltar. No losses were suffered to enemy action although a Destroyer was sunk when it hit a mine.
Bardia is surrounded by the 6th Australian Division, although the Italians are determined to fight it out.
Typhus reported to be sweeping through the German forces along the Russian front.
The Axis launch a renewed air offensive against the Island of Malta.
In convoy HG-76, U-751 sinks British escort carrier Audacity, which had kept away 12 U-boats for a loss of only 4 ships in the convoy, leading the Germans to change tactics when carriers were present.
Hitler refuses to let Paulus break out from their encirclement at Stalingrad.
British troops cross the Burmese border from India and head Southeast towards Akyab.
Under pressure from the Allies to curtail German espionage operations in the Irish Free State, Prime Minister Eamon de Valera confiscates the German embassy’s radio transmitter.
The Eighth Army’s 1st Canadian Division battles to capture Ortona in central Italy.
Russian forces smash the German bridgehead over Dnieper River at Kherson.
The U.S. First Army retakes Stavelot but to the south, the Germans surround and besiege Bastogne. Units of 5th Panzer Army capture St. Vith.
General George S. Patton dies at the age of 60 after being injured in a car accident on Dec.9th.