From 1940 to 1945 working women had rose from 25% to 35% of the workforce. By the end of the war, approximately one of four married women worked outside the home. In 1943, nearly 310,00 women were working the in U.S. aircraft industry alone.
Annette del Sur publicizing a salvage campaign for the Douglas Aircraft Company
Part of the cowling for for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American Aviation’s Inglewood plant.
C. & N.W. R.R. Cloe Weaver, mother of four children, employed as a helper at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa.
Rosie Taking a Coffee Break
Frances Eggleston,23, from Oklahoma working on the nose of an airplane.
Mary Louise Stepan, 21, used to be a waitress. She has a brother in the Army Air Corps. She is working on parts in the hand mill.
Operating a hand drill at Vaultee-Nashville, woman is working on a Vaultee Vengeance dive bomber at the Nashville Tennessee plant.
Rosie the Riveter hard at work.
Pearl Harbor Widows, October 1942
Rosie the Riveter working on a Consolidated B-24 bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corp., Fort Worth, Texas.
Women workers, working on a Radial Engine
Rosie working on an radial engines at North American Aviation, Inc., plant in California.
Rosie having lunch on their lunch break.
Rosie riveting the tail section of an airplane.
Tail section quality control.