You’re holding up a million-dollar bomber . . . try SYNTHETIC RUBBER
For months a great airplane company had been working night and day to get into production on a new bomber wanted by the Army. Millions had been invested in tools and jigs. But now the first models were developing a “bug” that threatened to hold up military acceptance.
The trouble was in the gaskets and valve packing of the hydraulic control system that operates the wing flaps, bomb doors and landing gear. These fittings were not oil-tight. they didn’t hold the pressure, controls didn’t respond properly. After a dozen different types of gaskets proved no better, the airplane manufacturer hit the ceiling.
As a result a rush order came to Goodyear for a trial set of gaskets made from our oil-resistant synthetic rubber Chemigum. They were molded and shipped in four days, and proved so satisfactory that we received order for more than one hundred different sizes of gaskets and packing required in the control system.
That was back in 1940. Today this great bomber is making a magnificent record on all fronts. Its hydraulic controls are standing up, thanks to the oil-impermeability of Chemigum.
Resistance to the disintegrating action of oil and solvents is only one of the many superiorities of Chemigum over natural rubber. It withstands abrasion better and does not become brittle at low temperatures. Today Chemigum production is being vastly multiplied to supply military needs – but the day is not too far off when there will be a surplus to give you tires and other “rubber” necessities of excellent quality at reasonable cost.