Men in tanks must eat quickly and well
Actual meat meals from the new 5-in-1 Ration carried by U.S. Armored Forces operation in enemy territory
When U.S. tanks smash their way through enemy lines our men are often in the thick of fighting for days at a team. That’s when food is a No. 1 munition — when time is lost preparing meals can turn victory to defeat.
Yet, even during active fighting, U.S. soldiers get three well-ballanbded meals, their round of nourishing meat per man per day– through this new 5-in-1 ration. Developed by U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps for mechanized units, landing parties, all mobile operations — this ration is mainly composed of canned and dehydrated foods.
Armour and Company, largest product of canned meats in America, is supplying millions of tins of meat for Army rations. And Armour, with the other packers, is also providing millions of pounds of fresh meat and air products every day for America’s war needs.
3 Hearty Meals for 5 Men
This new 5-in-1 ration in a single package feeds five men for one day. It’s a nutritious, well-balanced, amazingly compact ration. Three different units give variety in menus–provide each man 4200 calories daily.
Unit 2 (meals shown above) contains: Canned bacon, roast beef, meat and vegetable stew…canned milk…biscuits… army spread 9preserved butter)…soluble coffee…lemon juice powder…sugar, salt…hard candy…cigarettes.
For finest quality and flavor ask for Armour’s Branded Products
Star Canned Meats – Star Ham and Bacon, Star Beef, Veal and Lamb – Star Sausage – Coverbloom Poultry and Dairy Products
Armour and Company