60,000 Poles, all that remains of the Polish Southern Army surrender at Zamosz and Tomaszov.
Romanian premier Armand Calinescu assassinated by Fascist Iron Guard for supporting Poles.
Heydrich issues instructions to SS Einsatzgruppen (special action squads) in Poland regarding treatment of Jews, stating they are to be gathered into ghettos near railroads for the future “final goal.” He also orders a census and the establishment of Jewish administrative councils within the ghettos to implement Nazi policies and decrees.
Over the past 17 days, British aircraft have sunk 12.5% of 1865 German transport vessels preparing for an invasion of England.
Wavell, orders planning to begin for a British counter-attack against the Italians, with the aim of driving them out of eastern Libya and capturing Tobruk.
The German Army cuts off the Crimean Peninsula from the rest of the Soviet Union.
RAF raids are conducted against Munich and the Saar valley.
The inter-allied information committee estimates that the Germans have so far, executed 207,373 people in occupied Europe.
British forces begin their first land counter-offensive against the Japanese in Arakan, Western Burma.
The Red Army forces a crossing of the Dnieper at Dnepropetrovsk, thereby breaking into the German Panther line.
Molotov insists on the resumption of Arctic convoys.
U.S. troops of the 7th Army, invading Southern France, cross the Meuse River.
In Operation Market Garden, Germans retake bridge in Arnhem from British paratroopers.
Polish paratrooper’s land between Arnhem and Nijmegen as the British force at Arnhem bridge is overwhelmed. Autumn rains impede the allied advance as the U.S. 85th Division takes Firenzwold.
The Eighth Army’s Greek Mountain Brigade take Rimini on the Adriatic coast. German forces of Army Group E evacuates the Peloponnes peninsula in Greece.
U.S. planes hit Manila in the Philippines, sinking 40 ships, damaging 35 destroying 357 aircraft.
Ghandi, Nehru, and the all-India Congress Party demands that all Southeast Asia should be free of imperialist domination.
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