World War II Today: October 7

Heinrich Himmler made Commissioner for Consolidation of the German Race—to eliminate “inferior” people from the German Reich.

German troops enter Romania, at the request of Fascist Gen. Ion Antonescu, to ‘help restrain the Army’.

Beaverbrook announces gifts received for aircraft purchases now total £6,098,826.

Finland rejects a British demand to cease fighting the Soviet Union.

German advance on Moscow continues with the capture of Vyasma. Stalin lifts ban on religion in Russia to boost morale.

Curtin becomes the Prime Minister of Australia.

Japanese protest US embargo on vital materials as “unfriendly act.”

The RAF bombs Stuttgart making use of the Airborne ‘Cigar’ jamming device, killing 1,700 and making 18,000 homeless.

The U.S. Fifth Army is halted by German defenses along River Volturno, 20 miles North of Naples.

Japanese execute approximately 100 American POWs on Wake Island.

The 20th Gebirgsjeager Army retreats towards northern Norway in the face of strong Soviet attacks.

A revolt by Jewish slave laborers at Auschwitz-Birkenau results in complete destruction of Crematory IV.

The Eighth Army resumes its attacks on the Gothic Line. The British reach Corinth, land at Nauplion and take the island of Samos.

The US Third Army completes liberation of Luxembourg. First German V-2 rocket hits Antwerp, Belgium.

World War II Today: October 7 - Maj. Gen. Lucian Truscott, Dec. 1944 (US Army Center of Military History)General Lucian Truscott assumes command of US Third Army, replacing Gen. George Patton, who has been transferred to command US Fifteenth Army due to his criticism of US “de-Nazification” program for German officers.

Iva Toguri D’Aquino, better known as Tokyo Rose, is sentenced to 10 years in prison for treason.

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