World War II Today: October 21

The Luftwaffe starts attacks against North Atlantic convoys.

As war heats up with Germany, the British war cabinet holds its first meeting in the underground war room in London.

The Germans start deporting Poles from Posen (Poznan), largest city of western Poland (250,000 people), in their attempt at establishing “pure and Germanic provinces” in Poland.

President Roosevelt establishes an advisory committee on the use of uranium.

Churchill broadcasts to France, ‘Frenchmen rearm your spirits before it is too late.’

Units of 6th Army capture Stalino in the industrial Donets Basin.

The South Africa Premier, Field-Marshal Smuts, makes a historic speech to both Houses of Parliament saying, ‘The stage is set for the last, the offensive stage’.

World War II Today: October 21 - Lt. Gen. Mark Clark aboard USS Ancon off Salerno, Italy, 12 Sept 1943General Mark Clark lands by sub at Cherchel, Algeria for clandestine meeting with Vichy French in preparation for the upcoming Allied invasion.

WWI ace Eddie Rickenbacker’s B-17 ditches in the central Pacific; crew afloat for 24 days.

Congress passes Revenue Act of 1942, which raises $7 billion in new income taxes and reduces deductions, adding 13 million new taxpayers into the system.

Aachen finally falls to the U.S. First Army, earning the distinction of being the first German city to be captured. 12,000 German prisoners have been taken since the 2nd October. Breskens is captured by the Canadians, but fighting continues for 10 more days in the pocket.

Lt. Frances Slanger killed by German shell in her tent, the first American nurse killed in France.

The U-boat pens in Hamburg are blown up by British Engineers using German explosives.

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