Bomb holes roof of Balham tube station: 64 killed.
Italian submarine Toti sinks British submarine Rainbow.
16 million Americans already registered for National Service.
Heavy Luftwaffe raid on London, Birmingham, and Bristol starts 900 fires.
Italy demobilizes 300,000 soldiers for the harvest, leaving only 100,000 for upcoming invasion of Greece.
Odessa, a Russian port on the Black Sea which has been surrounded by German troops for several weeks, is evacuated by Russian troops.
Japanese bombard Henderson Field at night again from warships.
4,500 Japanese troops land as reinforcement for Guadalcanal as battle continues.
Japanese execute three American airmen captured after Doolittle raid.
US 92nd Infantry Division (“Buffalo Soldiers”) reactivated at Fort Huachuca AZ, composed of African-American troops.
US begins rationing of fuel oil for heating in the East and Midwest.
General de Lattre de Tassigny escapes from Vichy France.
The largest number of sorties on single night is made by the RAF, with 1,576 in all.
British forces liberate Greece,which then erupts in a cival war between monarchists and communists.
Russians secure Petsamo region of southern Finland. Germans troops fall back towards northern Norway in the face of strong Russian attacks.
The Hungarian chief of state, Admiral Horthy, shortly after announcing Hungary’s withdrawal from the war against the Russia, is taken prisoner by a commando unit led by SS major Otto Skorzeny. A new government under Ferenc Szalasi vows to continue the alliance with Germany.
Deportation of Jews from Hungary resumes after a temporarily halt due to international political pressure to stop Jewish persecutions.
The British and Chinese begin an offensive from Myitkyina to Bhamo in northern Burma.
Vichy French Premier Pierre Laval is executed by a firing squad for his wartime collaboration with the Germans.
Nazi war criminal Hermann Goering poisoned himself hours before he was to have been executed.