World War II Today: October 12

Hans Frank appointed Nazi Gauleiter (governor) of Poland.

Jews evacuate Vienna.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain rejects Hitler’s “peace offer.”

President Roosevelt in a fireside chat suggests the drafting of 18 and 19 year old men.

Night raids on London continue.

Hitler postpones invasion of Britain until the spring 1941.

U-101 torpedoes and sinks the merchant ship Saint-Malo south of Iceland. The ship was a former French vessel requisitioned by the Canadian government. 28 are killed.

A German military mission is set up in Bucharest, Romania, for the purpose of aiding in the training of the Romanian Army.

Army Group Centre captures Kaluga and Bryansk. Women and children evacuated from Moscow.

Attorney General Francis Biddle announced that Italian nationals in the United States would no longer be considered enemy aliens.

The Heaviest RAF attack so far on northern Italy, with more than 1,000 tons dropped on Milan in under 30 minutes.

350 allied bombers hit the Japanese base at Rabaul in New Britain. The damage reported includes 120 planes destroyed and three destroyers sunk.

The U.S. Fifth Army begins an offensive along the Volturno river in Italy.

The Germans fall back across the Lower Rhine, west of Arnhem.

The Germans evacuate Athens.

The Germans manage to hold line of the Niemen to cover East Prussia.

First B-29 Superfortress arrives in the Marianas, Joltin’ Josie, flown by 21st Bomber Command CO, Troops of the US 92nd Infantry Division firing mortars, Massa, Italy, November 1944 (US National Archives)General Haywood Hansell.

In Italy, Buffalo Soldiers of US 92nd Infantry Division breach Gothic Line, the only black unit to see combat in Europe.

Greek Resistance and British glider troops/paratroopers enter Athens, Greece.

Lt. Chuck Yeager (US 363rd Fighter Group) shoots down 5 German Me 109s in a single engagement over Holland.

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