World War II Today: March 20

The British Royal Air Force conducts an all-night air raid on the Nazi airbase at Sylt, Germany.

French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier resigns after vote of no confidence from Parliament.

Four Yugoslav ministers resign rather than accept German terms.

The Berbera force and elements of the 11th African Division meet at Hargeisa inside British Somaliland.

Luftwaffe bombs Plymouth right after a visit by King George & Queen Elizabeth.

Kesselring launches an intensified air offensive against Malta, which by the end of March had racked up 4,927 sorties for the Luftwaffe, as opposed to 2.497 during February.

The Red Army offensive at Kerch in the Crimea is defeated with heavy losses to the Russians.

About 1,000 schoolteachers are arrested in Norway.

In what was to become known as the 2nd Battle of Sirte, 4 freighters, escorted by 3 cruisers, 1 anti-aircraft cruiser and 17 destroyers leave Alexandria
bound for Malta. This force would later be strengthened by the cruiser Penelope and a destroyer from Force K.

Japanese troops, reinforced by the 18th and 56th Division which had arrived by sea at Rangoon a few days earlier, attack the 6th Chinese Army near Toungoo in Burma.

The Eighth Army continues its attacks against the Mareth line in southern Tunisia.

World War II Today: March 20 - USS MasonThe Russians recapture Vinnitsa in the Ukraine, the site of Hitler’s Headquarters during in 1943.

Destroyer escort USS Mason commissioned at the Boston Navy Yard, the first US Navy ship with a predominately African-American enlisted crew.

German troops of Army Group Weichsel evacuate their bridgehead across the Oder at Stettin. The Russians capture Braunsberg, 40 miles South of Konigsberg.

The U.S. Seventh Army takes Saarbrucken.

Onn Luzon, a force of Filipinos takes San Fernando, led by US Col. Russell Volckmann, who refused to surrender to the Japanese in 1942

The British 19th Indian Division completes the capture of Mandalay.


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