Japan declares the South Seas to be in its sphere of influence.
President Roosevelt signs the Alien Registration Act; 5 million foreigners will register and be fingerprinted.
Lord Beaverbrook becomes Minister of Supply in Cabinet reshuffle.
Goering is named Hitler’s successor.
Russian defense Committee is formed with Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Malenkov and Beria.
The German 20th Mountain Army launches Operation ‘Silver Fox’, an offensive to capture the Soviet port of Murmansk, while the Finnish Karelian Army activates its offensive towards Leningrad.
Local Finnish forces attack along the border in southern Finland.
Romanian troops conduct a pogrom against Jews in the town of Jassy, killing 10,000.
Germany demands that Japan launches an attack against Russia. The Japanese consider this, but in the end only agree to strengthen their forces in this area.
The drive on the Caucasus roars on as German columns kick up dust clouds that can be seen 40 miles away and leave behind burning villages and town. “It is the formation of the Roman Legions, now brought up to date in the 20th century to tame the Mongol-Slav horde,” exults German propaganda. In Sevastopol, German troops attack from their bridgehead, while more forces blast in across the Fedyukhin Heights, forcing the Russians back.
Rommel takes Mersa Matruh after heavy fighting and captures 6,000 prisoners along with large quantities of supplies. British disarray increases as German advance units mix with British rear units which are reatreating as fast as possible for the relative safety of the El Alamein defensive position. Mussolini arrives at Derna in Libya to prepare for the triumphal entry into Cairo. Alexandria is bombed.
Two ships leave the port of Shanghai carrying more than four hundred North and South American Diplomats and their dependents. The passengers are to exchanged for and equal number of Japanese nationals being held in the Western Hemisphere.
US Marines land on Nassau beach near Lae in New Guinea during Operation ‘Cartwheel‘.
The US Army Air Force insignia changed to “stars and bars,” with a red border around bar.
The RAF carries out a saturation raid (250 Lancasters) against the 2nd and 9th SS Panzer Divisions at Villers-Bocage near Caen.
The US VII Corps captures the last harbor fort at Cherbourg, but the port rendered completely useless for three weeks.
70,000 troops of Army Group Centre that are encircled near Bobruisk surrender to the Red Army. The Russians report that 16,000 Germans have been killed and 18,000 captured near Minsk.