World War II Today: July 30

The Luftwaffe ceases major air raids over Britain as it builds up strength for it forth coming onslaught.

Act of Havana signed to prevent German takeover of colonies.

First Free Polish fighter squadron is formed in Britain.

Polish-Soviet agreement of cooperation signed at London.

US gunboat Tutiula damaged by Japanese planes near Chungking.

British planes from carriers bomb Petsamo.

17 Japanese ‘spy’ fishing boats seized by US in Hawaiian waters.

The Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Services (WAVES) is authorized by the U.S. Congress.

The Red Army launches a counter-offensive at Rzhev, which leads to the temporary encirclement of six German divisions, although these are successfully supplied by massive air drops from the Luftwaffe. Army Group A consolidates its bridgehead over the Manych River, while Army Group B struggles to reduce the Soviet bridgehead at Kalach in the Don Estuary west of Stalingrad.

Chinese recapture Tsingtien in Eastern Chekiang, cutting off the Japanese at Wenchow.

Japanese capture crucial islands en route to New Guinea.

Hamburg is bombed for a third time.

Army Group A losses the initiative in its attack to secure its positions along the Mius River.

Six British divisions attack at Caumont, 15 miles East of St. Lo.

British, U.S. and French troops enter Vienna.

World War II Today: July 30 - Japanese-Americans returning to Sacramento, CA after being released from Rohwer Center internment camp in McGehee, Arkansas, 30 Jul 1945 (US Library of Congress)

The Japanese reject the Potsdam ultimatum, so the Joint Chiefs order the plans for Japanese surrender to be drawn up.

After delivering parts of the first atomic bomb to the island of Tinian, a Japanese submarine sinks the Cruiser U.S.S. Indianapolis resulting in the loss of 881 crewmen. The ship sinks before a radio message can be sent out leaving survivors adrift for two days.

US War Relocation Authority announces all but one internment camp for Japanese (Tule Lake) to close by December 15.

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