In the first 6 months of the year, German U-boats have sunk 900,000 tons of Allied shipping.
German troops occupy Jersey and complete the capture of the Channel Islands, the only British territory ever captured by Germany during World War 2. The French government of Marshal Petain moves from Bordeaux to Vichy. Germany asks the USA and other neutrals to withdraw diplomatic missions from Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Norway. British milk price maximum is raised to 4d a pint.
Marshal Balbo is replaced by Marshal Graziani as C-in-C of the Italian forces in Libya.
Icelandic-American exchange of letter respecting defense of Iceland.
Coal deliveries to all establishments in Britain limited to one ton per month.
RAF starts daylight air offensive over Northern France, English Channel and Occupied Europe.
German armoured forces of Panzergruppe 4 of Heeresgruppe Nord cross the Dvina and capture Riga, while units of Panzergruppe 2 of Heeresgruppe Mitte reach the Berezina near Borisov.
Auchinleck becomes C-in-C of the Middle East.
Wavell becomes C-in-C, India. The Axis recognises the Japanese backed government of China.
German troops capture Sevastopol, Crimea, in the Soviet Union.
Rommel captures 2,000 prisoners from the El Alamein ‘box’ but loses 18 of his 55 remaining tanks.
Hitler addresses the generals taking part in the imminent operation ‘Citadel’ at Kursk.
The invasion of southern France is fixed for the 15th August. Since D-Day, the Allies have landed 920,000 troops, 177,000 vehicles and 600,000 tons of supplies and equipment. In the 24 days of fighting, they have lost 62,000 men killed, wounded and missing. Beginning of the Bretton Woods Conference convened to deal with postwar financial and economic problems. The establishment of the International Monetary Fund for Reconstruction and Development is announced.
The Fifth Guards Tank Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front takes Borisov, less that 50 miles North East of Minsk.
The Japanese Imphal-Kohima survivors are encircled at Ukrul.
The U.S. 2nd Armoured Division from Halle enter Berlin in accordance with the four-power agreement over the division of Germany into zones.
The Australian 7th Division lands at Balikpapan on South East coast of Borneo after a 15-day bombardment.