Britain announces nearly twice as many Britons have been killed on the roads since blackout started than by enemy action.
Belgium denies British & French troops the right to cross its territory.
US labor leader Philip Randolph calls for march on Washington to protest discrimination and segregation in the armed forces and defense industry.
Army Group Centre evacuates the Kaluga sector and takes up winter positions 20 miles to the West.
The Japanese begin their invasion of Burma from Thailand, attacking up the Kra Isthmus. They quickly capture the British airfields around Tenasserim, enabling Japanese fighters to now escort bomber attacks against Rangoon.
ABDA Command headquarters (American, British, Dutch, Australian) opens under Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell at Batavia, Java.
Jawaharlal Nehru succeeds Gandhi as head of India’s Congress Party.
President Franklin Roosevelt asks the baseball commissioner to continue the sport during the war.
US forces launch their final offensive on Guadalcanal.
The Red Army captures Velikiye Luki in the Valday Hills.
Field Marshall Montgomery and the 8th Army begins offensive at Buerat, Libya against Rommel.a
The U.S. Fifth Army gains Monte Trocchio, overlooking Rapido River as the Germans withdraw across it. French troops under General Juin capture Monte Santa Croce.
Lt. Gen. Ira Eaker assumes command of Mediterranean Allied Air Forces (US 12th & 15thAir Forces, as well as RAF, Italian and French air units in the Mediterranean).
The Russians launch another new offensive around Leningrad.
The Peruvian Government announces its discovery of Axis backed conspirators plotting a coup.
During its drive toward the Oder river, the Red Army captures Kielce in western Poland.
U.S. troops now hold 45 miles of the Lingayen Gulf coast.
Japanese launch drive toward isolated US Fourteenth Air Force bases in eastern China and toward the Hengyang-Canton railroad.
In the US, a nationwide dim-out is ordered to conserve fuel.