The Luftwaffe renews its attacks against Channel convoys and its escorts, with heavy air battles occurring over the Channel. The Germans lose 31 aircraft against the RAF’s 16.
The Home Secretary announces July civilian air raid casualty figures as 258 killed and 320 seriously injured.
British forces pay increased by 6d per day; privates’ pay up to 17s 6d a week.
Romania introduces anti-Jewish measures restricting education and employment, then later begins “Romanianization” of Jewish businesses.
Uman pocket eliminated. 103,000 Russian prisoners taken by the Germans.
Six convicted Nazi saboteurs who had landed in the United States were executed in Washington, D.C.
The commander of US ground forces, Eisenhower establishes a HQ in the UK.
U.S. Marines take the unfinished airfield on Guadalcanal and name it Henderson Field after Maj. Lofton Henderson, a hero of Midway.
Japanese naval counter-attack beaten off in Solomon Islands.
A Royal decree places Italy under a state of siege.
Lt. John F. Kennedy and PT-109 crew rescued from island in the Solomons by Navy patrol boat.
The US Seventh Army lands at Sant’ Agata on Sicily’s north coast to outflank Axis, takes San Fratello Ridge and Sant’ Agata, but fails to cut off German retreat.
3,462 tons of bombs are dropped on the German lines South of Caen by 1,020 RAF planes.
Patton’s Third Army takes Le Mans.
The Canadians launch Operation ‘Totalize’ South of Caen, with 600 tanks and 720 guns. Canadians take the Falaise Road.
American troops complete the capture of the Mariana Islands.
Eight German officers are hanged in Berlin for their role in the July 20 Hitler assassination plot; by February 3, 1945, 4,980 will be executed.
President Harry S. Truman signed the United Nations Charter.
Soviets declares war on Japan.
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