Norway announces German control of Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim in the south, Narvik in the north.
The Yugoslav capital Belgrade, surrenders.
Greek and British forces fall back to the Mount Olympus line in Greece.
German armored units complete the encirclement of Tobruk and push on up the coast road towards the Egyptian frontier.
US troops land in Greenland.
Both German and Russian forces pause for breath after an extremely difficult winter (temperatures dropped to a nippy Minus 30C). The Russians have outrun their supply lines and exhausted their supply store of tanks and guns, which has allowed the initiative to slip back to the Germans. However, the Germans are aware that they can no longer take Moscow with a knockout blow and so choose another alternative. They intend to drive southward as part of a “grand pincer” movement through the Caucasus to link up with Rommel’s Afrika Corps, which will solve their oil problems, disable the Russian economy, and menace the Middle East.
Japanese troops capture Migyaungyein Burma, which exposes the western flank of 1st Burma Corps at put the oilfields at Yenangyuang under threat.
German radio announces that 4,150 Polish officers that were deported by the Russian authorities in 1940 have been found in mass graves near Smolensk.
The Eighth Army takes Sousse, to the East of Kairan and claim that 20,000 axis prisoners have been taken in Tunisia since the 20th March.
Hitler authorizes a withdrawal of 230,000 German and Romanian troops to the fortress of Sevastopol. However, this is four days too late and the delay results in many unnecessary losses.
Finland rejects the heavy Russian demands for the ending of the war.
The U.S. Ninth Army crosses the Elbe, taking Brunswick.
The U.S. Third Army takes Erfurt.
French troops take Baden-Baden on the southern flank. The U.S.6th Armoured Division overruns Buchenwald concentration camp. The British Second Army captures Celle 60 miles to the South of Hamburg.
The Germans evacuates Zenica, Yugoslavia.
A German war communique confesses that Konigsberg did surrender and announces the death penalty for the fortresses commander, General Lasch.
After suffering a massive cerebral hemorrhage, President Roosevelt dies at Warm Springs in Georgia, aged 63. Harry Truman is sworn in as 32nd President of the United States.