Listed are other vendors of World War II related militaria, reproduction and original. Only businesses with WWII military products will be listed here.
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1944 Militaria: Dealer in high-quality German reproduction & original items.
All Heels On Duty: Women’s 1940s Reproduction Oxford Shoes and Bow Pumps (Simply the best)
Armbruster Tents: US Tents.
Armorcast Reenactor Grenades: Poly-rubber dummy grenades.
Armortek: UK company that specialize in the provision of 1/6th scale vehicles, figures and accessories.
At the Front Militaria: One-stop shop for German or US WW2 reenacting and a little of everything else.
Atlantic Wall Blanks: Blank cartridges for all nationalities.
Bill Bureau’s Militaria: Carries thetailor-made Janke German officer and enlisted uniforms.
Blue Max Militaria: Action figures & reenacting accessories.
Cheap Crap You Don’t Need Enterprises: A little bit of everything militaria.
Clements Trading: Specializing in WW2 rations and reenactment items.
Dehner Riding Accessories: A source for high-quality stock and custom riding boots.
Dogtags Online: WW2-modern & pet tags.
Dropzone WWII Helmets
Dutchie’s Militaria: WW II German & postwar European militaria.
Epic Militaria: Reproduction WWII products in the U.K.
Espenlaub Militaria: Original WW2 German and Russian Militaria for sale and Battlefield tours.
Finnish Miliaria/KevOs.4: Hard-to-find reenacting items of the Finnish Army of WW2.
German Helmets Inc: Stahlhelms and other German militaria. Informational site with message boards for firearms & militaria trading.
Guns of Liberty: Replica 1919a4 and Jeep Pedestals.
The History Bunker: Vendor of uniforms, maps, music, books and maps in the U.K..
Hessen-Antique: Repro German militaria.
History Preservation Associates: U.S. distributor for Eastman Leather products.
HWW Manniquins: A great source for quality display manniquins, busts, and heads.
J. Murray Inc.: US M1 helmet restorations & reproductions.
Joe Swanson’s Motion Picture Blanks, Inc: Dealer in top-quality blanks.
Kelly’s Military:Reproduction German medals, insignia, gear, uniforms, etc..
Koutny Boots: Bespoke, hand-made reproduction boots from Czech Republic.
Kelly’s Militaria:Repro German uniforms & gear.
Krautgear: Excellent reproduction US & German crates and parts.
Kriegsende Militaria: Jeff Snively’s kick ass repro German odds’ & ends.
Man the Line: US & German reproductions.
Mark-1-Tank: Scale radio-controlled tanks & kits from England.
Mash: Japanese company specializing in high-end reproductions of select US items.
Militaria Collection: Italian dealer in Nazi and Fascist Italian collectibles.
Militaria.Net: A UK militaria dealer directory.
Military Antiques and Surplus: Just what the name says…
Military Vehicles: European site linking various MV sites.
Military Tour: Reenacting supplies.
Militrade.Com: Historical and online trading website.
Northwest Military Vehicles Ltd. Co.: Seller of military vehicles.
Omaha’s: US and foreign surplus from WW II-era to modern.
On the March: Custom made German uniforms.
Outpost Flags: All sorts of random WWII & modern nic-nacs.
Panther Store: Reproduction gear & uniforms in the Czech Republic.
Panzerwerks: Killer crates and accessories.
Pike Brothers: Women’s uniforms and accessories.
Quartermaster Inspector: Reproduction US & German WWII from Belgium.
The Rigger Depot: Reproduction US WWII Parachutes
Repro-Rations: Complete, ready-to-eat WW1 & WW2 rations.
Richard Underwood Military: Reproduction German militaria from the UK.
Service of Supply: Vendors of specialty US fieldgear and other original items.
Shop Schultz: Military restoration work, field work and custom recreations.
SM Wholesale: SMW’s American and German uniforms & gear.
Soldat FHQ: Cyrus Lee’s militaria and books.
Soldier of Fortune: Reproduction US and German, WWI and WWII.
Soviet Military Stuff:Like it says. Red Army stuff from Russia.
Staman International Trading: Military vehicle parts.
T&E Military Sales: Militaria (mostly Russian and US) for reenactors.
Time Machine 13: Formerly M43
TNW Firearms: Replica & semi-auto WW II arms.
Traders of The Lost Surplus: “Commander” Scotty Babcock’s militaria.
Trophies of War: US and German militaria.
Western European Products: Reproduction & postwar militaria.
The Well Dressed GI: Quality reenacting products at reasonable prices, reenactor-ran.
USMC WWII Dog Tags:Like it says….
Weingarten Gallery: Sterling silver US insignia.
What Price Glory: Jerry Lee’s militaria, specializing in original and repro British and US.
Willy’s Acres: Military vehicle sales and restorations.
WWII Dogtags: Like it says…
WW I & II Militaria Site: Links and forum for collectors.
WWII Flightwear: Hand made hats made in the USA.
WW II Impressions: Quality GI uniforms.
44th Collectors Avenue: Original WWI & WWII militaria.
Ardennes 44: Original US and German militaria. Original US WWII militaria.
Bergflak’s Lounge German MG & MP parts, plus research info on weapons, mounts, slings, etc.
Bunker Militaria: 19th & 20th century original European militaria
Bergstrom Militaria: Original German items.
Collector’s Guild: Original only militaria. German, Japanese, US, British, Italian.
Craig Gottlieb Militaria: German WWII medals, uniforms, flags, etc..
Doughboy: Original militaria, US, German, CW, etc..
Espenlaub Militaria: German and Soviet.
FJM44: Frederick’s original German WWII gear.
Fortitude Militaria: Original militaria from France.
German Military Collectibles: Site for members to list original and repro militaria.
German War Booty: Original German & US.
Grenadier Military Antiques: German militaria.
IMCS Militaria: Mark van Thiel’s WWII militaria from Holland.
Hanner’s Reich: Original German, especially SS items.
Hayes Otoupalik: Original US militaria.
Italian Warfront: Mostly German militaria.
Jessen’s Relics: Original US & German militaria.
John Casino: German militaria.
Lee-Jackson Militaria: US WWI, WWII, and Vietnam militaria.
Military Collectibles: WWII German & US militaira.
Militaria Versand Emig: Parent company to Bunker Militaria, with a huge selection of original militaria and antiques.
Oak Leaf Militaria: Original German WWII militaria.
Regimentals: High quality militaria from the UK.
Regimental Depot: German, Civil War & Vietnam militaria.
Relic Hunter: Original, top end German and US militaria.
Ruptured Duck: Bill Shea’s Allied & Axis insignia & collectibles.
SS Steel: Original German militaria.
Stewart’s Military Antiques: Carries a vast array of excellent original militaria.
Summer Vacation Militaria:Original and reproduction WWII militaria.
Tarn Militaria: Original German uniforms, gear, etc..
The Marshals Baton: Reproduction FM Batons and original militaria
The Virtual Grenadier: Original German Militaria.
The War Front: Original US and German items.
Weitze Militaria: Militaria of all types from Germany.
Brandenburg Historica: Books, music, and historical artifacts of the 3rd Reich.
Combat Reels: US Signal Corps films.
International Historical Films: Lots and lots of German and US newsreel footage.
Merriam Press: WWII and Military History Publisher and Bookseller.
Mike’s Book Dragon:Books & Dragon action figures.
Military Graphics: By Robert Bolish. Beautiful WW II vehicle portraits.
Military Postcards: Photos & postcards from the war.
Model Aces:Scale model aircraft.
Portrayal Press: Military books and manuals.
Real Military Fliz: All sorts of video from all Wars.
Reichslieder:Source for German marching music.
RZM Imports: Quality books, magazines, and videos for WW II.
Synergeez Military Art: Framed military art, with over 1,600 prints.
Through Their Eyes: CD’s of original photos from Soldier’s albums.
Thunderbolt Productions: WW II art, photography, and paperwork (US).
Tomahawk Films: Dealer in German marching music & movies.
WWII Books: Online military books in the UK.