The format and information on WW2 Dog Tags changed four times between December 1940 and April 1946. The following is a general guideline of the formats used during that period. It’s very common to find variations of each format.
Line 1: First, Middle Initial, Last Name JOHN Q PUBLIC Line 2: Army Serial Number, Blood Type 37337566 O Line 3: Next Of Kin FRED PUBLIC Line 4: Address of Next of Kin 2843 FEDERAL ST Line 5: City, State DENVER, COLO
Line 1: First, Middle Initial, Last Name JOHN Q PUBLIC Line 2: Army Serial Number, Tetanus, Tetanus Toxoid + Blood Type 37337566 T42 43 O Line 3: Next Of Kin FRED PUBLIC Line 4: Address of Next of Kin 2843 FEDERAL ST Line 5: City, State + Religion DENVER, COLO P
Line 1: First, Middle Initial, Last Name JOHN Q PUBLIC Line 2: Army Serial Number, Blood Type 37337566 T42 43 O Line 5: Religion P
Line 1: Last Name, First, Middle Initial PUBLIC, JOHN Q Line 2: Army Serial Number, Blood Type 37337566 T42 43 O Line 5: Religion P